Everlasting Hell

Hell is in isolation and the absence of God and others Matthew 25:41, rather than the traditional imagery of collective torment and suffering. It’s a more internalized and solitary form of suffering, I see it more the absence of divine and human connection. Luke 16 gives the idea of the rich man and Lazarus.


Suffering and torment in Hell are beyond human comprehension, making it an even more intense and unfathomable experience. God is present everywhere Psalm 139:8, but those in Hell are unable to feel His presence. The torment comes from this profound disconnection from God, despite His omnipresence His comfort and presence is with held, this with holding further intensifies the concept of isolation and suffering in eternal Hell.

Hell is eternal, not temporary. The idea of Hell being everlasting adds to the gravity of the suffering and isolation, making it a perpetual state with no end. Matthew 25:41 This aspect underscores the seriousness of the consequence. There’s no remedy or escape from Hell, it is irreversible 2 Thessalonians 1:9, which adds to its severity.

This underscores the finality and seriousness of hell.

Our Glorification

Will We Be Recognized?


You heard it said, “be the better version of yourself” right? Well, there’s some truth to that statement but not in the way that you might think. As believers we one day will be just that, we call that state glorification.

I’ve had discussions with brothers and the topic of glorification always comes up and the question I’m always asked is this, “will we recognize each other?”. “Are we going to appear as we look in this current state?”. Well according to the scriptures it does say in the Book of John 20:16, that we will be recognizable as ourselves. Inverse 16 Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!”.

Another wrong assumption by many is that we will be disembodied spirits in eternity. Will we have the same names in heaven as we do here on earth? The answer to those questions is yes not only that but our bodies will be indestructible are glorified body will be permanent and indestructible.1 Corinthians 15:22-23, Philippians 3:20-21.

Freed From Sin

Our bodies will no longer be vulnerable or under the corruption of sins curse Romans 6:8-9. 1 Corinthians 15:42 Just like Jesus Christ, our bodies will be eternally sustained by resurrected life. We will be able to serve our Lord without worry, anxiety, and the limitations of time. We will not have any fear of injury or threat, just righteous boldness to accomplish everything the Lord has given us.

Imagine a life free from disease, deterioration, temptations, and depravity these will no longer plague our outlook on our living. We will never get over the experience and joy of metabolic perfection throughout eternity!

Clothed in White Garments

We will be clothed in white shining robes, The glorious clothing of triumphal joy. Just as the resurrection of Christ and his appearance in the transfiguration we will be like Jesus in our resurrected bodies We will be adorned with robes of splendor. Matthew 17:2.

Sons Of The Resurrection

Lastly, we will be a part of the “sons of the resurrection” who like the angels and “sons of God” cannot die! The celestial Life will be without existence of physical or spiritual death. Heaven will lose no one and no one will need to be replaced. Everlasting life, amen.

To Know God


It is important to know God because He is the One who created us. His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than ours so says the book of Isaiah 55:8–9. Our faith as Christians is a religion of revelation, and, Yahweh is a God who reveals himself through His Word. Sometimes we may not experience God in our darkest moments as if He was distant or maybe even not involved, but He hasn’t left us.

God makes Himself known to mankind in two ways. The first is general revelation or natural revelation Romans 1:20. It’s just a basic knowledge of who God is, His expression in all of his works. Through His creation we see a reflection of something of Himself, no created reflection is exactly like our God. The other way that God reveals Himself is through what we call special revelation II Timothy 3:15. This is where we see God through the Holy Scriptures, we read the story of how God condescended to our level as a man the incarnation of The Son of God, our Lord and Savior. Isaiah 9:6

I have spoken with some brothers about not being known by God, and they would say that only applies to false prophets those who come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they’re like ravenous wolves. My response is this, yes, it applies to them of that time, but not them only, it applies to a future age, our age. It says in there not everyone who says to me, Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord Lord, have we not done this or that, and then He will declare to them, “I never knew you, depart from me, you who practice lawlessness”. Matthew 7:21-23 Mankind has been practicing lawlessness since the beginning of time after the fall, it hasn’t stopped since then so, it is applicable in this age. Genesis 6:5;Jeremiah 17:9-10

To Be Known By God

To know God, or to know of God is important for sure, but to be known by God is even more important. God knows us much better than we know ourselves Jeremiah 1:5 He knows our thoughts, our past, present, and our future there is nothing that can surprise Him. Psalm 139: 1-2. He knows it all! in spite of what he knows about us, he loves us deeply, and took upon himself the consequences of our sinfulness our failures upon himself and secured us. John 3:16.

I believe it is equally, if not more important, not only to know, God, but to be known of God, that is where the relationship is. He knows us intimately, He knew us before we were born. We know Him through His Word, intimately, and one day we will know Him fully just as He has always known us fully, this is a holy righteous and eternal relationship. Secured in Him. Romans 8:38-39. Blessings.

Is Your Profession of Faith True?


When we engage with others who profess faith in Jesus most of us take it for granted that it’s genuine. A sincerer profession may be true but a sincere profession does not equate to a genuine confession. Your profession of faith is contingent on your understanding of who Jesus is.

When Jesus was talking to His disciples He asked them “who do they say that The Son of man is?” Matthew 5 16:13 & 17. Later on Jesus directly asks Peter the same question “But who do you say that I am?”, Peter then responds, “You are the Christ, The Son of the living God.”. later we see that Jesus say, “flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven….”.

Jesus has claimed His being in John 8:58, Colossians 2:9, Isaiah 7:14. There are many other verses that confirm His being and who He is but for now this will suffice. The name Immanuel is literally “God with us” or “with us is God”.

Who Accepts Who?

When we engage with other professing “believers” and they say that They’ve “accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior” it rarely gets questioned and passed over. In John 15:16 Jesus said “I chose you”. He chose and appointed them at that time to bare fruit and in this age He has appointed us to bare fruit. Jesus is the one who accepts a repentant sinner upon confession and It is the sinner who receives forgiveness…Jesus is the one who does the accepting.

Your Faith Is Only Valid If The Object Of Faith Is Valid.

What is a valid faith? What does that mean? It means exactly what it sounds like. If the faith that you place is on any other Jesus then what has not been revealed in scripture, is not faith. It is not a dead faith it is no faith at all. Proverbs 3:5-6 , Hebrews 11:6. People say they know Jesus or know of Jesus, the first being Fiducia referring to personal trust and reliance and the other refers to an Assensus referring to a knowing of the content of the faith and yet not believing it to be true. Blessings and hope this clears some things for you.

I AM … e’heyeh aser’ e’heyeh


These words spoken by Jesus weren’t spoken in general terms, it was spoken in specificity, He was speaking in present tense, in absoluteness, in being. We can even say that He was speaking as the first cause of all. The I AM phrase itself isn’t an uncommon phrase that was used in communicating, it’s very much like saying “I am” watching these animals over there or “I am” the parent of this child or “I am” doing this at the moment but when Jesus said it, He said it as a STAND ALONE “I AM”, it wasn’t attached to anything else it was communicated as self being or an immediate presence, no contingencies outside of Himself! This is why the Jews got angry at Him. If you read Exodus 3:14 where Hashem speaks to Moshe and says “I AM has sent me to you” is used the same way Jesus said it in John 8:58.

This is just meant to be a short article, not exhaustive. I hope it makes sense I will go into a greater detail at some point in time. Thank you and Shalom.

The Light, Life, and Kingdom


I was thinking the other day of the Light that is in the world. This reference is found in John 1:4-5. This is not a lengthy explanation but hopefully a concise explanation. It reads, “In Him was life (Zoe: This word is used of the one who gives life, a life pertaining to the kingdom of Yahweh and ultimately the glorified life.), and the life (Zoe) was the Light (Phos: This word speaks of the presence of the divine Glory. This Light gives illumination, spiritual sight, truth.) of men. The Light (Phos) shines in the darkness (Skotia: This word speaks of spiritual blindness.) and the darkness did not comprehend it. Let’s look at Luke 17:21.

Jesus was standing in front of the Pharisees and explaining to them that the Kingdom was in their midst and that the “Kingdom” was not coming with signs. When our Lord came, He came humbly on a donkey as King! Mark 11:1-11, a King with a heavenly kingdom! Another example is when He speaks to Martha about Lazarus being resurrected John 11:25-27, she didn’t understand, she didn’t see that Jesus is the resurrection. If you read the story He acted in this way for their good so that they would believe.

Jesus is referenced in these short examples as THE KINGDOM, THE LIGHT, THE LIFE and THE RESURRECTION, of course there is the other referencing Him as THE WAY John 14:6! The Pharisees were in darkness. The Pharisees couldn’t see the Light, they were incapable to see Him as the Kingdom in their midst. They expected this King to come like an earthly king dressed in array but Jesus came as a humble servant.

The descriptions afor mentioned are of the person Jesus The King, The Way, Truth, and The Life!